
Queen of the night chee
Queen of the night chee

queen of the night chee

Generally after finishing a book, I will immediately log on to Goodreads to mark it as complete, and give the book a star rating. Have you ever finished a book and wasn’t sure how you felt about it? This doesn’t happen to me often, but it did with The Queen of the Night. To be honest, it was a little intimidating at first… Is there anything better than opening up a book order? The smell of a brand new book? The crisp pages? Its like bookish crack 🙂 Once I opened this baby up, I realized how big this book actually was… This chunkster is a whopping 576 pages of hardback massiveness. I ordered it via Amazon and eagerly awaited its arrival. The cover immediately stood out to me, so I had to know more. A few weeks ago while browsing new releases on Goodreads, I stumbled across The Queen of the Night.

Queen of the night chee